How you can move forward

Using my PATHWAYS APPROACH as the initial tool I will help you unlock the your future. There are three options to choose from:

1. Coaching

The Pathways Froward approach to coaching focuses on your values, key drivers, motives, and dreams, so the elements important to you. This enables the real you to be revealed, allowing the coach to effectively coach you (the person) and not the problem. Coaching in this way can be undertaken in a variety of ways including, face to face, forest walks and virtual meetings.

2. Hogan Assessment & Coaching

The Pathways Forward approach offers you the opportunity to combine coaching with the powerful Hogan Assessment tools, which are used by Fortune 500 companies for recruitment and talent management. The assessment tools measure normal personality strengths, potential career/life de-railment risks and identify your core values, motivators and drivers. By combing these two unique elements together, powerful transformations can take place within individuals and teams.

3. Work/life integration


The Pathways Forward approach offers you the opportunity to develop strategies and formulate solutions that you can utilise when struggling to combine the demands of family and life and your work demands. This approach can also be combined with the Hogan Assessment tools, which will provide you with a real understanding of ‘you’, which is essential to aid your decision-making processes.

Whichever option is the one to suit you or that you are interested in always remember it is your journey which I am there to assist you in choosing. If you feel I am the right person with the right skills and approaches to help you then I am ready to assist.

+44 (0) 7759 251 985