The Pathways Approach
My PATHWAYS APPROACH is the initial tool we will use which will unlock the future for you. The most important aspect is that I work to your agenda and assist you to think through situations and issues you are facing. By using a variety of approaches and questioning techniques I will enable you to develop strategies to address them and find yourself the right pathway to move forward.
Imagine a world, where everyone is the best version of themselves, Coaching has the power to transform people’s ability and unlock their hidden potential.
The PATHWAYS APPROACH is an easy to follow and can be summarised in the following graphic:
P – Purpose
A – Attitude
Everything to do with what you say in your self-talk, your affirmations, replacing limiting beliefs, with positive belief statements.
T – Trust
H – Honesty
W – Way Forward
Identify your core values, your key drivers, set am achievable target/goal/destination/vision – where do you want to go? What do you want to achieve? What do you need to achieve this – knowledge/time? Who can support you?
A – Action
All the planning in the world will not get you to achieve your goals, unless you rake considered action in accordance with your plan. Be consistent with your use of affirmations, goal journals, vision board and visualisations, coaching sessions and critical friends. Every little step you take builds on the last to create a cumulative growth effect, until it all becomes natural and you are taking giant strides.
Y – You
A goal is a dream with a date, don’t let fear get in the way of dreaming big